Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Yesterday Preston turned 5 months old. People always say that the time flies... and I can't agree more... he is growing up so fast!Getting ready for BreakfastPlaying after breakfastHe just couldn't stop looking at his toes:)Still trying to take a bite out of Pooh....Don't ask me why but he would not stop making this face so that I could take his picture
Once again... don't ask ....I just take the pictures....
This picture goes out to a very special Nana:)

And now presenting... PRESTON'S NEW TRICK:) He started this a couple weeks ago... thanks to Daddy... but we are just now getting pictures of it up... thanks to Mommy;)

Nap time!

Mommy was trying watching Reba on tv...but Preston was way too entertaining:)

Mommy... I can't get anything out!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007


So we took our annual family vacation to Gatlinburg, TN... I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, but these are some of us when we went putt-putting at Ripley's Davy Crocket Putt-Putt Course:) Our little goofball:) Mommy and Grandpa Grandma, Preston, and Mommy

Daddy's hole in one! (He is pointing at the outhouse that the hole lead thru)

Aunt Patty's Baby Shower

We had Aunt Patty's baby shower on the 9th...these are a few of the pictures from that day...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mommy WOW! I'm a big kid now:)

Last night while I was feeding Preston his cereal... I decided to let him have a go at it and feed himself... I have to say... it was very entertaining... but a little on the messy side.... :)

Creation Museum

Sunday was our annual church picnic... but this year
we were able to have it at one of the pavilions of the
new Creation Museum. After we ate we got to walk
through and check it out... we suggest that everyone go.
Answers in Genesis has done a really great job with it.
From the pavilion to the museum there was a
beautiful scenic route.

And finally... our little family in the "Dinosaur Den"...Preston was a little wore out by then and conked out on Daddy:)