Preston's 1st birthday party is in about 2 weeks... so he passed out his first invitation the other day to Elijah... and of course I had to get it on camera to share with everyone:)
And this is Preston ... going back to steal the envelope so that he could play with it.
On a side note... here is a funny little story....
The other day... someone (I'm not going to mention who) used our bathroom downstairs. Without knowing... this person pulled the toilet paper up with their pants, and proceeded to walk up the stairs dragging our poor toilet paper along with them. They were thankfully comprehended soon afterwards because of the trail they left behind.
...I thought that at least Eva would get a kick out of this one... I thought it was hilarious
who dragged the toilet paper all the way upstairs? Mom or Seth?
Okay, so you were definitely right! I am cracking up about this! I don't even need to know who did it; it's almost funnier to think it could have been any of you!!! :)
Oh and where is Corbin's invitation??? Hmm??? LOL!
Thanks for the invite Preston (and we'll bring an extra roll of t.p. with us in case . . . you know. in case someone gets carried away. Don't even tell me Mom and Dad tried to reroll any of that!
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