Sunday, April 13, 2008

Feelin' The Heat:)

Well last Sunday was so beautiful, so Patty and I decided to take the kids to the zoo. Preston however, has been teething...we have seen 3 beautiful teeth show up in the past week or so ... soon to be a 4th. Things have been pretty rough on the poor guy... and he acted like it was complete torcher without his binky at the zoo... so Mommy let him keep it... I'm a sucker what can I say? :) Gettin ready to go into the zooHere they are... don't they look so excited? :)Preston was pointing at everything. It was hard to catch it on camera... he would stop every time he saw us pull it out. Here is a little point that we were able to get on film. His favorite was the polar bear... he kept rubbing his chest/belly saying please and pointing... like he wanted to play with him. It was really adorable.
It was actually so warm at the zoo that Preston got to take his shoes and socks off, and he loved sitting there playin with his toes:)Pointing at the fish in the aquariumAunt Patty with Elijah... don't they look so cute matching;)Here are the penguins we saw outside... Preston loved it because there were ducks swimming there too, and he kept saying quack quackCheckin out the penguins

Finishing up the day with a little bit of animal crackers... yum:)


The Fritch Family said...

I love that picture of Preston that is just under the picture of the Polar Bear. He just looks so cute and so grown up!

I CANNOT wait to see you guys next weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

The boys look so cute together. Preston has 3 teeth? I just can't wait to see him. I haven't told you yet, but we are planning on coming early. If not Thursday night, then early Friday morning :)Been praying for you all during the busiest day of the year for accountants. Much love Mom/Nana