Wednesday, January 2, 2008


This page goes out to Uncle Jon and Aunt Breezy. Because of their persistance and nagging:) (only Jon nagged of course) ... we decided to post Preston's Christmas pics tonight. Sooo... everyone checking this at work can thank them for the post;)

This is Christmas Eve with the Bryant's

Go figure...Daddy was trying to bug him by putting his puppy on his head:)

Preston loves to play with hair ... that is one of the reason's Mommy decided to get a short hair cut:)

Opening presents on Christmas Eve

This gift was very popular this year... Preston almost got 3 of them! It definitely is cool tho

This is the stuffed animal Grandpa and Grandma got for the top of his stocking

See... I told you this puppy was cool... Preston kept tryin to snuggle with it... it was so cute:)

Mommy and Preston

Breakfast on Christmas morning

He was very proud of himself for waking Daddy up to go open his presents:)

He got a really cool ball pit from Mommy and Daddy this year:)

Preston also got a fire truck... very cool:)

And this is Christmas Eve at the Fritch's. Uncle Cory, Aunt Eva, and Corbin got him these balls that he loves playing with!

Preston got lots of cool books too:)

Christmas morning at the Fritch's Preston opened up his gifts from Nana and Pappa... some of which included this cool playground... Cincinnati Zoo Family Membership passes... and a really cool zebra he can ride... and lots of other cool stuff:)

He was loving it! Especially the attention:)

Here is a pic of the zebra

Here is Preston the other day playing with his playgroud set Nana and Pappa gave him.

And this was from this morning... he found out that his bumper pads tie... so.... he thought it was funny to watch Mommy tie them time and time again after he kept untieing them...little stinker


Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful time Christmas Eve with your family. He had some fun. It couldn't be hurting too much pulling Grandma's hair, she is smiling.I am soooo glad you were with us for several days so we could enjoy some time with all of you. The puppy was a hit this year.(Beats the real stuff) I love him at the "playground". He is having a real "ball" in his ball pit too.He seems to be pretty photogenic.Although with his good looks, no pic will be bad. Well thanks to Breezy and Jon :)Have fun picking out those 4 pics for the dedication. We will have to let you know about that.
Love ya Mom/Nana

The Fritch Family said...

I just now realized that you posted! I was expected a mean comment from someone about waiting so long to post so thanks for not disappointing me! :) All the pictures are cute and I am working on a post but we'll see... I have a TON of stuff to do today!
Love you guys!

The Fritch Family said...

Oooo... you are the one that needs to post now!!! Haha!

The Fritch Family said...

So...what are you waiting for????

Elijahpayne said...

You need to get new pics. too. I have been waiting.....

The Fritch Family said...

Okay Mrs Big Talker! You give me a hard time about going over a week and let us see here, today is the 17th and your last post was the 2nd... 15 days! That's 2 weeks in case you didn't know! LOL! Get some pictures of my nephew on here or I might have to strike! :)
Love ya anyway!