Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Yesterday Preston turned 5 months old. People always say that the time flies... and I can't agree more... he is growing up so fast!Getting ready for BreakfastPlaying after breakfastHe just couldn't stop looking at his toes:)Still trying to take a bite out of Pooh....Don't ask me why but he would not stop making this face so that I could take his picture
Once again... don't ask ....I just take the pictures....
This picture goes out to a very special Nana:)

And now presenting... PRESTON'S NEW TRICK:) He started this a couple weeks ago... thanks to Daddy... but we are just now getting pictures of it up... thanks to Mommy;)

Nap time!

Mommy was trying watching Reba on tv...but Preston was way too entertaining:)

Mommy... I can't get anything out!!!


The Fritch Family said...

Wow, he really is growing up! I can't believe he's 5 months already! It seems like we were just down there waiting in the hospital for you to deliver him! Crazy!!! Tell Preston that we love him very much and can't wait to see him. Oh and tell him that his hair cut looks very good!
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Steph and I looked at these pics on Tuesday. Happy 5 months little guy. I love them. He is changing so much. I love his new chair he is having breakfast in. All the poochie cheek pictures are adorabe. He looks just like.....Thanks for posting his pic w Dino and his lamb. He has lots of little friends.He looks so big standing up. Are you guys coming here before the end of Oct??? Love ya Miss you all. Mom/Nana