Yesterday Preston turned 5 months old. People always say that the time flies... and I can't agree more... he is growing up so fast!Getting ready for BreakfastPlaying after breakfastHe just couldn't stop looking at his toes:)Still trying to take a bite out of Pooh....Don't ask me why but he would not stop making this face so that I could take his picture
This picture goes out to a very special Nana:)
Once again... don't ask ....I just take the pictures....
And now presenting... PRESTON'S NEW TRICK:) He started this a couple weeks ago... thanks to Daddy... but we are just now getting pictures of it up... thanks to Mommy;)
Nap time!
Mommy was trying watching Reba on tv...but Preston was way too entertaining:)
Mommy... I can't get anything out!!!