Thursday, July 17, 2008


On Monday Preston took Addy on her first trip to the zoo... don't they both look thrilled:)
We got to ride the train for the first time and Preston loved it

Preston stole Taylor's new flip flop from her...but we caught him red handed
Preston's new thing the past couple days is that he loves playing with basketballs... he has been walking around the house throwing it every where and then chasing it.

He must be in a pretty sneaky mood because we found him checking out Grandma's room while she was gone... sneaky sneaky

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Family :)

"Hi Mom!"


Testin out the waters with Daddy

Now... we scoop the water back out of the pool


Newest exhibit at our zoo

Gettin ready for our first family bike ride

Not the most flattering picture... but the only one we have to show off our new bikes:) Thanks to everyone that contributed;)

Pictures with Daddy and Mommy on the 4th of July... (our camera died so we didn't take it to the family picnic)

Preston loves the Manatee Springs at our zoo... and on Saturday he loved showin his Daddy all the cool water animals

Here is one of the manatees swimming by

I couln't believe how grown up Preston looked as he stood there with the other kids looking at the turtles

I love this picture of him walking around with his Daddy... such a big boy!

"Insert foot in mouth" ;)

"What? Grandma and Grandpa at the zoo???? Quick take a picture!!!!"